Monday, March 16, 2009

Dodgeball Busters

Jamey played in a dodgeball tournament to benefit the Boy Scouts in Darby this past weekend. Adalyn and I cheered the team on. Other team members were my sister Dana, and Jamey's sister Jen and her husband Travis and some of their friends. They had these awesome t-shirts made by Rebecca on the team and everyone had a "buster" name, including Ghostbuster, Spambuster, Gutbuster, Blockbuster, "Feelabuster," and Dustbuster. They looked great and won the tournament! Adalyn loved running around the gym after the dodgeball games and she is very fast--even I did some running that day :)

Little Adalyn has a bad cold right now and we are hoping she starts feeling better soon. Even though she is having a hard time eating, drinking and sleeping due to her stuffy nose, it is not slowing her down much and she is still playing and running all over the place.

1 comment:

Dana Lynn said...

I seriously was sore for at least 3 days after that tourney. I can't imagine how sore the other "old" players were. Kidding! lol