Monday, April 26, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt on the Oval

We attended the annual egg hunt on the oval at The University of Montana again this year. It basically went like this: Very cold wind blowing from Hellgate Canyon, Addy loving and hugging the Easter bunny, Addy loving, hugging and dancing with the Monte mascot, waiting on the edges of the 0-2 age group for the clock tower to strike 1 p.m., a complete mad dash of parents and little kids racing for plastic eggs and candy that was picked up in seconds, well, possibly a minute or two in the little kids area, looking over the loot and reflecting on the experience, returning the plastic eggs, and heading back to the car. And yes, we will probably go back again next year to do it again! Addy loved it again this year. Next year, she'll be in the group for 3-year-olds and Emery will be in the 0-2 group. But, I must say, for being 2 this year, Adalyn totally understood the concept. She raced to the middle of the lawn area and drug Jamey with her. I followed out with the stroller and Emery sound asleep inside. Adalyn filled her basket with eggs and candy she scooped up herself. Later she even picked up and handed candy to other little kids. (what a little sweetie!)

Bunny hug

Monte hug and dance time

Trying to stay warm while waiting

Where's Adalyn and her daddy?

How Emery enjoyed the egg hunt

Daddy pushing his girls in the double stroller :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Emery 2 months

Tummy Time

Emery had her two-month appointment yesterday. It wasn't just my imagination causing me to think she has almost outgrown her bassinet, she has grown four inches since birth! Her length is now 24 inches, which is the 95th percentile. I am amazed how long she is right now, she may be a tall girl like her big sis. She weighs 11 lbs. 13 oz. She is even wearing some 3-6 month shirts and pajamas right now as some of the 0-3 and 3 month ones are getting short.

She has really been smiling and interacting a lot. She is very interested in watching what Adalyn is doing and is really cute to see her turn her head and follow her the best she can. I have been trying to get as much cuddle time in with her when I can, especially during Addy's naps and bedtime. She is a great sleeper at night. Since she came home, she has slept 5-8 hour stretches at night. The first days I set an alarm to wake me to feed her every 3-4 hours but she was gaining weight so well her pediatrician agreed I could just let her sleep until she woke up on her own. She sleeps much lighter during the day as she feeds quite frequently to make up for the long sleep stretches at night.

I just love my girls so much! It can be challenging to care for two little ones who often both have needs at the exact same time, and that is a story for another post, but I think things are going quite well! It just seems so natural and perfect that Emery is part of our family and we are all enjoying her as she develops her own personality.

I have quite a few cute Easter pics I am working on, we sure had a busy few days and Adalyn had a blast egg-hunting so I really have to share those pics soon!