Friday, November 14, 2008

Sitting, Standing, Waving, Clapping!

Wow, two posts in the same day! I just wanted to add a little update on all of the new things Adalyn has been doing lately. Yesterday she started clapping her hands together! She has continued her cute waving, crawling and sitting up all over the house as well as attempting to climb up on everything. She keeps me very busy chasing her away from the pet's water dish. Today she was taking a nap in her crib and I heard some noises a short time later. I opened her door to find her standing straight up in her crib and looking around. She also stood up in her pack and play today and then got the biggest smile.

Here is a video of Adalyn waving the other day:

1 comment:

Dana Lynn said...

Her waving is very adorable! You have a smart one on your hands! =) I can't wait till she gives hugs and kisses!