Friday, November 14, 2008

New Car Seat!

Adalyn needed a new car seat as she had reached the length limit on her infant carrier seat. It arrived this week and we love it already and can't wait to install it in the Jeep tomorrow. We decided on the Britax Marathon car seat based on a list of recommendations from the car seat safety technician at our hospital and numerous consumer reviews. It should be a wonderful seat for Adalyn and she will have it for a long time, as the length limit is 49" and the weight is 65 lbs. Most of the baby gear we have for Adalyn is neutral-colored for future use, but we got this seat in a pretty floral print as she'll be using it for quite a while and she is so darn cute in it! She was taking a nap when it was delivered and woke up to find it in the living room and then spent a lot of time exploring and climbing all over it.

Flowers everywhere! Having fun sitting in her new car seat

She even likes it when buckled in!

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