Sunday, November 23, 2008

Flu shot at the doc's

We took Adalyn to the doctor to get the second part of her flu shot on Friday. She was very happy riding in the car. She didn't mind the elevator ride up to the office. She was enjoying the waiting room. She even smiled at the nurse when we entered the exam room and when she sat on the exam table. Then we started taking off her clothes and she was NOT happy....she knew what was going to happen next, clothes being removed at the doctor's office usually results in several sticks with a needle! She got her shot and a snoopy band-aid from the doctor and was fine as soon as we left the exam room. She now weighs 18 lbs, which is about the 25th percentile, and she is 29 inches long, which is about the 85th percentile. Her next appointment is for her one-year checkup and immunizations and is scheduled for the day after her birthday.

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