Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Mother's Day was a busy and fun day for us! We went to Corvallis and visited with Jamey's family and then went to dinner with my mom, stepdad, sister and her boyfriend. Adalyn was very full of energy! She is always on the move these days, evident by all of the pictures of her trying to take off...
Sadly, she fell and bumped her cheek a few days before so she had a big bruise on her face for her pictures. I edited the bruise out in some but then gave up, oh well!
I absolutely love being Adalyn's momma, but especially on Mother's Day. She gave me the sweetest hug and kiss the first thing when she woke up that day and it melted my heart!

I'm outta here, Mom!

I don't want to stand still for pictures...there are things I need to do!

Love that pose!

Adalyn's cute cousin Brenna playing, love the colors together in this photo!

Walking with her Daddy

Sunday stroll

Back in her cute dress at my Mom's after dinner, look at those pretty bracelets!

Helping Momma and Grandma Jill open gifts


Dawn said...

She is so cute. I love all the pictures. I can't wait to get to come up there this summer and see everyone again.

Margaret said...

She is a doll.

They are always getting bruises. My 2 year old had a black eye right now.