On Christmas evening, after spending time with my mom, stepdad, sister and her fiance, we loaded up the vehicle and drove down to Darby to spend the night at Jamey's parents house. We watched Adalyn and her cousin Brenna play for a while before bed. The next morning, we opened stockings and watched the girls open gifts and we all had fun playing with their new presents. Then the adults had a white elephant/gift card exchange. It was fun to see what kind of gifts everyone came up with. Later in the afternoon, we had a great taco lunch before heading home. It was a very fun and busy Christmas holiday for us but we are so glad we were able to spend time with everyone and enjoy Adalyn's second Christmas!
Adalyn and her cousin Brenna loved getting rides from everyone in this box!

Who needs toys? A cardboard box is so entertaining :)

The girls opening their stockings in the morning (the day after Christmas)

Adalyn loved finding an orange in her stocking!

Adalyn and I wearing our pajamas and playing with Mrs. Potato Head :)
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