We briefly saw him in November during his arrival at the mall. They gave away milk and cookies to everyone and had a mini concert by the Missoula Symphony Orchestra. All the kids got a little gift bag with a gingerbread book and cookie cutters. Adalyn has requested we read it many times. She loves the candy part the best! Ever since she saw him before, she kept talking about seeing "Big Santa" at the mall. Then we told her about being good and getting presents from Santa. Now it is "Big Santa bring presents" and "Santa coming to town" that we hear all the time.
She wore her pretty holiday dress yesterday and ran to him when it was her turn. She had a huge grin on her face. When she sat on his lap, she was more in awe than anything. She smiled a little at the camera but kept looking at him like she couldn't believe she was actually sitting with him. She is definitely not afraid of Santa! We have read a Rudolf book with her regular books throughout the past year and she always points out Santa and the little Santa toy from her toy box so I think that helped her be more familiar with him before the Christmas season arrived. After the visit, she was so proud of the candy cane he gave her and she raced through the mall talking about it. We had to hustle to keep up with her since she wanted to run ahead of us!
She has been "helping" me wrap presents for other people and she is pretty excited about it all. We've talked about some of the religious meanings of Christmas but I think she'll be a bit older before she can grasp that. She loves Christmas music and can recognize songs I have sung to her or she has heard elsewhere when she hears them on the radio. She has played with a Little People Little Drummer Boy set at Grandma Jill's and when she hears that song come on its "song like at Grandmas." "Silent Night" is "song mommy sings in mine crib" and always makes her think it is time for bed. She talks a lot already and even more now with all the excitement :)
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