Yesterday we had our 30-week ultrasound appointment for little Twenty-Ten. We are still working on names :) Our little GIRL looks great! Yes, I asked the doctor to confirm since we have bought a few girlie things since our last ultrasound. We didn't have a very good view the last time since she was in the head-up position with her feet curled up. She is now in a head-down position so we had a better view. Hopefully she will stay in the head-down position until delivery. I was pretty sure she had changed positions because I've been feeling more pressure and backaches and an occasional jab in the ribs which I was quite certain were little feet!
She is measuring perhaps a little bigger or further ahead than our original due date but I'm still going with our due date of February 15th. Adalyn arrived about 2 days after her due date. Either way, February is quickly approaching! It is hard to believe in just two months we'll be meeting this little one.
Jamey and Adalyn have come to every appointment with me and my sister Dana joined us this time for the ultrasound appointment. She thought is was really neat to see her new niece! Adalyn sits on Jamey's lap and eats snacks during the appointments. The background noise is Adalyn saying "yum, yum, tastes good" as she eats fruit snacks. She just talks and sings the whole time. It is pretty funny. Yesterday she was "singing" Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the ABC's. She does recognize the baby on the screen and says "baby on there" without anyone telling her first. We have been looking at pictures of her when she was a newborn so now she thinks every picture of a baby is of her, "baby Adalyn, me!" She really seems to understand quite a lot about the baby for her age. She puts her hands on my tummy to feel the baby and asks "baby come out?" so I tell her in a few months, after Christmas and after her birthday. She does seem to think the baby will be playing with her when she arrives so we try to talk about what the baby will really be doing in her first months :)
Over the last few weeks, I have taken the gestational diabetes test and received my Rhogam shot. I have to get the Rhogam shot because my blood type is A negative, so the RH factor of my blood is negative. If a pregnant woman with negative RH factor has a baby with positive blood type, it can create complications for future babies. I'll have to get another shot after delivery if this baby has positive blood type also, as I did with Adalyn.
I also got the news that there are visitor restrictions in place at the hospital due to H1N1 concerns. As of two weeks ago, the only person allowed in with the mother and baby is the baby's father. This applies to delivery and recovery visiting. It has been breaking my heart to know that Adalyn cannot come to the hospital to see me and her new sister. I have never spent one night away from her and it is very sad for me to know I won't be able to see her except maybe through a glass window. No other family members will be allowed to see the baby either, except through the glass window. It is very hard to imagine since Adalyn's grandparents and aunts and uncles were able to see and hold her within an hour or two of her birth. We'll have to see if these restrictions change in the next few months. Unfortunately, by that time, the regular flu season will probably be in full swing so they'll want to restrict visitors for that as well.
We got some more photos of our little one and I will post them when we get a chance to take a photo of them.