We are preparing for "Baby sister" aka "Twenty-Ten" to arrive, she is due in about a month! Our friends and family threw a very fun coed baby shower for us on Sunday, January 10th. We are so lucky to have people in our lives who care so much about us! We received some wonderful gifts for our new baby girl and now it is time to get serious about getting ready for her arrival. We will be staying upstairs for awhile in her future room as it is the room we have been living in for the past four years. We want to stay upstairs right across from Adalyn's room for a few months while the baby sleeps in a bassinet. Then, we will gradually transition to having our room downstairs. It is kind of sad that we won't have "her room" ready for when she arrives but that is the best we can do for now. It should just be easier for all of us to be on the same level of the house and to only have to heat one floor during the next few cold winter months. We don't have a crib for her yet but we have ordered her dresser and changing table. Adalyn's crib converts to a toddler bed so she will continue to use it for quite a while, although she is still using it as a crib right now anyway. We decided we will purchase the same type of crib Adalyn has in a different color since we haven't had any problems with it so far and we feel it is a safe crib with a low chance of being recalled or having other safety issues. The dresser and changer is the same one Adalyn has also. We really prefer doing all of the diaper and clothes changing on the dresser top for at least the first year so we decided to go with what worked well last time.
We did buy her bedding when we found out we were expecting a girl. Adalyn has new toddler bedding she will eventually get when her bed is transitioned. We have sheets, a crib skirt and other accessories in light purple and green that we will be able to reuse for both girls so we chose this pretty bedding set.

Here is the dresser we ordered and will set up in our shared room when it arrives.

It has been a big task to start on regarding transferring all of the closet contents downstairs so this baby can have a closet of her own. Currently, all of the baby stuff for her to use from Adalyn is either in Adalyn's closet or downstairs in the room we will eventually be moving to. It has been a challenge to get stuff done while Adalyn is awake during the day, and although she helped quite a bit the other day, I am hoping to get more done this weekend. We are so busy right now, Adalyn's birthday is coming up on the 25th and I haven't even finished the partyr invites to send out yet. The upstairs bathroom is totally torn up as well. We had been planning to remodel it for quite a while and Jamey started the project during his week off between Christmas and New Years. One setback after another and the bathroom still has a long way to go. So, the only working bathroom is downstairs and we only have a shower down there. We are a little overwhelmed with everything right now....praying it all comes together soon for our sanity!
1 comment:
I'm sure everything will fall right in place! I LOVE the baby bedding and I can't wait to see Adalyn's new toddler set :}
I am sooooo excited to meet Adalyn's baby sister!!!
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