We woke up on Easter morning and Adalyn found her baskets and eggs in our house. After we got ready, we drove to Jamey's grandparent's house for Easter brunch, egg hunting and visiting. Adalyn loved looking for eggs outside. She was running around with her arms outstretched with a huge grin on her face. Adalyn and Brenna wore adorable matching dresses Jamey's mom Coral made for them.
Adalyn hunting for eggs
(Click on the collages to see the pictures larger)
More pictures, we had a beautiful background and a beautiful day
Later in the day, we went to the Beree's house to enjoy a delicious Easter dinner with my mom, step-dad, sister Dana and her boyfriend Justin. Before we ate, Adalyn looked for more eggs and baskets. She was a pro and definitely fast at spotting them. After enjoying our dinner, us "older kids" looked for hidden eggs with candy and money prizes. We had a blast racing around looking for eggs.
I am so thankful for such a beautiful Easter day. I have always loved Easter and the religious meaning and the start of springtime but this year was so special to me to see Adalyn find the joy and excitement in the holiday.
Sounds like Adalyn got lots of practice hunting eggs, she will be a pro next year.
So did the Easter bunny hide her basket too? He hid the baskets here and it took Haylie about 5 hours to find hers!!
The dresses Coral made turned out really cute.
I really love the photos with the mountains in the background. I wanna learn how to do awesome collages like that! :)
Easter was definitely a special one this year. I enjoyed watching Adalyn search for eggs and hug the Bunny.
Sorry I snatched most the eggs. It's your turn next year to find them all and steal our fun! ;]
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