Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Adalyn!

We had a wonderful party for Adalyn on Sunday. She really enjoyed visiting with all of her guests, opening her generous and thoughtful gifts, and trying birthday cake! We are so glad Adalyn has the love of so many great family and friends! It was a fun and amazing day and Jamey and I are so proud of our daughter. She has grown and changed so much over the past year and we have been delighted to see her transformation from a newborn to a toddler.

Here are some of the pictures from her party. I have a cute video of her eating her cake that I will post separately with additional party pictures and her 12-month update when I get a chance.

Birthday say I get lots of visitors, presents and cake today?

Cake table

Pretty birthday girl!

Having some snacks at the party

Peeking into a gift bag

Adalyn made the cutest excited gasp sound when she opened every gift!

Mommy helped open the birthday gifts

Listening to everyone sing "Happy Birthday" to her!

Leaning in to get a taste



Clapping for the cake

Sticky frosting!

Yay! Birthdays are fun!

Birthday girl covered in frosting

I will post more pictures and the video in the next few days!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I love how Adalyn leaned in to get a little taste. I can't wait to see the video.