We prepared for Easter by dyeing eggs a few days before. Adalyn was more interested in the stickers to put on the eggs.
The bunny friend, she loved just as much as she did last year! But last year I think they were the same height.
We looked for eggs and opened baskets at our house on Easter morning. Then we headed to Darby to visit Jamey's family. Here are the little cousins, all wearing beautiful dresses made by Grandma Coral! Adalyn and Brenna are in the back and the babies Ella and Emery are in the front. Emery is just eleven days older than Ella so they are very close in age.
Brenna and Adalyn had a ton of fun looking for eggs!
After we ate lunch and had fun opening baskets inside, the girls put play clothes on and went out to look for more eggs and go for some rides. Adalyn rode with Grandpa Randy and visited the horses.
Taking the lil Jeep for a spin! We nabbed this on a great Black Friday sale and gave it to Addy on Easter morning. She was going to receive it on her birthday, but January doesn't really work well for outdoor toys :) It is cute to watch her figure out the steering and gas pedal at the same time, and the tongue helps with that concentration!
Looking for eggs never gets old :)
After visiting a while, we packed up and headed back to Missoula to enjoy an Easter dinner at the Beree house. We put Easter dresses back on and Addy enjoyed hunting for more eggs and baskets. Even us "big kids" (Jamey, myself, my sister and her fiance and our stepbrother) had an egg hunt. My mom hid nearly 50 eggs in the house and they were all hidden so well we had no idea until she told us after dinner that the eggs had been hidden all day. We were scrambling all over and the competition was on! I imagine five adults running around with baskets racing for hidden eggs was quite a sight. After the hunt, we all opened them to find candy and some money prizes.
Little Emmy was worn out!
Grandma Jill helping Addy find some eggs.
Again we enjoyed another busy but wonderful Easter with family this year. I can't wait for Emery to join in the fun next year :)