On one of the blogs I read,
MckMama started a "Not Me Monday" post for all of us to admit those things that we couldn't possibly, no, no way would we
perfect parents have done in the past week or two.....Haha! Yeah, right! I'm participating for the first time today to free my conscience and laugh at myself. Want to join me?
I did NOT just take my first "belly shot" at 20 weeks, halfway through my second pregnancy. No, of course not! I would have documented this growing belly long before this, you know, to prove I didn't "look" pregnant at, say, 8 weeks or anything.
I did NOT lie to my daughter about a dozen times, telling her that her new favorite beverage made with milk and chocolate powder, which she adoringly calls "yo-yolk," was "all gone" while I secretly enjoyed my own skim milk version when she wasn't looking.
I did NOT stash a bunch of old clothes, which I have been meaning to sort for Goodwill, in the garage to make way in the basement so the bug guy could come and spray. Nor did I stash any items that did not have a home under the nearest bed. NOT me!
I did NOT gorge myself on cookies this week because I was craving them, you know, the baby really wanted me to eat them!
I did NOT forget to write a thank-you to the lady who watched our dog a month ago until today. No, I'm always on top of those things.
I did NOT forget Grandparents Day this year! No way, since last year I made cute cards with pictures and everything. NOT me!
I did NOT leave my delicious chocolate bar my husband gave me on the end table in the living room when we left the house only to return to find the dog had eaten the rest of it and licked the wrapper clean. I did NOT feverishly google dog chocolate poisoning symptoms until I was convinced her lack of a reaction indicated she must be fine. That would NEVER happen!
I am NOT typing this post while I sit next to the tub while my daughter takes a super long bath and admires her wrinkled fingers.
And, I did NOT blame any flakiness or general forgetfulness on my "pregnancy brain" this week. I would NEVER use that excuse!