She is such a little sweetie. We tell her "I love you" all the time and she tells us "love you" back or she just says it and gives us a hug out of the blue. It melts our hearts, of course! We have been working on please and thank you for quite a while and now she says thank you herself without any prompting when you give her something. She has had please down for quite a while, especially when cake or other "num-nums" are involved :)
She is a little sponge, and picks up on things we say all the time, so we have been spelling words out already. We are extra careful not to say something about bananas or another favorite food when we have just run out, as she will immediately want one! Lately, our dog Bailey has been kind of stinky after she spends time outside. She normally doesn't smell at all. We haven't had the energy or patience to give her a bath yet and I have said, "that dog stinks!" on more than one occasion. Tonight, Bailey walked by and Adalyn pointed to her and said, "dog stinks!" It was hilarious!
Independence is such a big issue at this age and recently I was sitting with Adalyn as she colored a card. When she was getting kind of crazy with the markers, (easily washable, of course!) I capped a few and set them aside. She wanted those ones opened again and when I wouldn't help her, she pulled and pulled until the cap popped off. She exclaimed, "I did it!" and was so proud of herself. That was the first time I heard her say that. Since then, she has also said it after a few more accomplishments, like when she yanked the latched entertainment center door open by herself and when she carried a large full toy box across the room. We love watching her as she gains more independence and confidence. Our little girl is sure growing up!
Sand, dirt, rocks, sticks and leaves are the coolest things around right now! She carries them around as little treasures and loves playing in the sandbox.
Swinging with dad or mom is as fun as swinging by herself
Such a cutie in her hat
She loved going down the slide by herself, which we usually don't allow since she flies down so fast, so we had to be sure to catch her at the bottom half so she wouldn't land on the ground!