Oh, My! I have been neglecting this blog. It was not intentional, but still very unfortunate =( Now, I don't even know where to begin....Well, we have all been sick in this household for far too long. Jamey and Adalyn were sick first, then they both gradually got better but then Adalyn and I got sick. Poor Adalyn had a runny/stuffy nose for about a month and I had a bad sinus cold as well. I think we are finally all better though!
The month of June was a whirlwind of family birthdays and Father's Day. We celebrated birthdays for my step-dad Russ (June 2nd), my sister's boyfriend Justin (June 13th), my sister Dana (June 20th) and our niece Brenna (June 23rd). Adalyn was surely enjoying her many opportunities to taste cake....I think she even ate an entire cupcake at cousin Brenna's first birthday. Most of the time, Adalyn uses her 'spread out and conquer' strategy for cake. She goes around to everyone with cake and looms until she gets a taste, repeating this for everyone who hasn't yet cleaned their plate. Now that she says 'please' and 'thank you' I think she will have even more luck with this strategy, it is quite impossible to refuse her little please, or "pleas" I guess!
We attended a kids dance party at Caras Park where Adalyn jammed and showed off her moves, admired the bubble machine and shook maracas. Then she got bored and wanted to go explore. The kids were all pretty cute little dancers but some of the moms were interesting.... We got some cute videos and photos I may get transferred and posted some day, of course I am behind on that too.
We also went to an air show in Helena. Adalyn loves spotting airplanes in the sky, and starts saying airplane as soon as she hears one, even if she doesn't even see it. She definitely saw lots of airplanes at the air show! We weren't actually there that long because the parking situation at the airport caused cars to be backed up waiting to get in for 1-2 hours throughout the show. We did see the Thunderbirds and then headed home. After the 2 hour drive there, it was a long day for a toddler to spend in the car, especially without a nap since the timing was off. Adalyn just wanted to run around and stretch her legs when we finally got there and she was not a fan of earplugs but she saw closeup action since we were able to sit in the VIP section with some tickets from Jamey's employer. We told her airplanes were flown by pilots since she has an airplane toy at home and she kept saying pilot, pilot over and over. It sounds so cute! I think she still had a lot of fun.
We have a wedding to attend this weekend and more birthdays and exciting things coming up soon. We actually have four weddings to attend between this weekend and the beginning of October. Ahh...summertime! Maybe we will even be brave enough to try a little vacation this summer, we could sure use one!