What a good girl this year! Checking out what Santa brought
At the Gould house
Adalyn and mommy (check out the cute boots!)
Trying out her new toy!
Santa babies!
Adalyn and Brenna on Christmas morning
Opening presents with daddy at the Maxwell house
Riding in her new wagon!
Is that Rudolf on your shirt?
Helping mommy open her new doll at the Beree house
Mmmm....loving that cookie!
Two Wii pros
Adalyn turned 11 months old on Christmas Day! She has been busy practicing her balance and has continued taking a few steps in between furniture and toys and to our arms. She can stand on her own for slightly longer periods, but does this the best when she is paying attention to a toy and not fully realizing she is standing all on her own! She has some front teeth that are so close to breaking through it will most likely happen any day in addition to her four emerged teeth. Lately, she has been having a strong preference for eating food very warm, and out of a dish just like big people eat out of. It must taste better that way! She also started taking baths in the big tub and seems to like it as she has much more room to play with bath toys. Here she is having fun in the tub:
We have had a difficult time the past few days as our cat, Roo, has been at the veterinarian's office since Sunday night. He has been vomiting and not eating anything. He is normally a 13 pound cat now down to 10 pounds. He's had some blood work and several x-rays already and there is still not a diagnosis. We are waiting on more lab results tomorrow and will go from there. Please keep our kitty in your thoughts, he is only 7 1/2 years old and we want him to have many more years with us. It hasn't been the same around here while he has been at the vet's office.
Roo wanted a private photo shoot after we took our family picture this year!