Thursday, August 28, 2008

The funny moment of the day

This really cracked me up today. Adalyn used to sleep, as newborns do, at any time and place. Then she became more aware of her surroundings and generally fought sleep if something interesting or distracting was occurring nearby. She was not a baby who could fall asleep in a car ride until she had exhausted herself thoroughly first. This seems to have changed a bit lately. She has been taking naps in the car while running errands and even in her carrier while shopping or at a restaurant. Today she had eaten and was wildly jumping around in her jumperoo. I knew she would need her nap shortly but she was having a blast in her toy so I finished putting some dishes away in the next room. Soon, the jumping slowed and then stopped so I looked up in curiosity to find her ASLEEP in her jumperoo! It was so cute I had to videotape her and take a few pictures. The flash briefly woke her up and she started jumping a few times and then fell asleep again. I guess she slept like a newborn again today!

Starting out

I am new to blogging but realized that it would be a good place to update our family and friends on our life and our amazing daughter, Adalyn Grace. She is already 7 months old and I can't believe how fast the time has gone. It has been such a joy and pleasure to watch her grow and change since birth and we look forward to all of the new things to come. In addition to her updates, I plan to write about my thoughts and experiences on parenthood and life. Thanks for reading and comments are always welcome!